Sittin' Around the Pad

A Work In Progress

Modeling the dragonfly;
The wings.

  The wings were the next part of the model. I began with taking a walk outside to my friendly neighborhood spider's web, from which I plucked a freshly killed dragonfly carcass. I carefully removed a wing, and onto the scanner it went. This became my texture map. In my image editing program, I converted it to grayscale, then inverted it, and saved this as my bump map. for the transparency map, I masked out the white area around the wing and inverted it. I made two sets of these, reversing one set so that I had a right and a left pair.
Next, I created 4 planes, scaled them to the appropriate size, and moved each one into position on the thorax. Next I applied the texture map in the color shader, the clip map in the transparency shader with the wrapped mask option. The bump map was obviously for the displacement shader. Apply planar UV mapping, and paint. A bit of adjustment on each plane was neccesary to line up the map with the outer edges of the thorax. This bug is ready to fly!